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Home/Attractions/Luodong Sports Park 羅東運動公園

Luodong Sports Park 羅東運動公園

Distant our location about 14.4 km,drive about 25 min
Luodong Sports Park羅東運動公園

The waterscape in the Park is quite magnificent. At the background of Langyang River, the 1 km long miniature of the Lanyang River system is built. There is also a great view in the Park, Bald Cypress Forest, which is a scenic spot not to be missed when visiting Luodong.

Every time in autumn and winter, the Bald Cypress leaves turn from green to red. The leaves fall on the ground and dye the Luodong Sports Park red. When tourists walk into the forest on the stone steps, they will feel like walking into a secret wonderland and become absorbed in such a beautiful scene.

In addition to a uniquely bountiful natural landscape in the Park, there are various facilities: swimming pool, football field, track and field stadium, tennis court, circle plaza, and others at the Park. When you find yourself eating too much and feel too full, why not come to the Luodong Sports Park, take a relaxing walk and watch the water dance show at every hour sharp!

【資料來源 宜蘭縣政府-宜蘭勁好玩 】
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